Slots Continue To Dominate European Market

We all like to play a good slot every now and again, right? They require low effort, they’re flashy and fun, a lot of them have beloved characters on the reels, and there’s no feeling quite like hitting the big bucks after a successful spin! Even if we don’t quite hit the big, multi-million jackpot, most of us have hit a huge win from a bonus game or a lucky reel at least once in our lives and know that ecstatic feeling of enthusiasm as the numbers on the screen keep increasing, seemingly without end. However, we should all know by now that wins like that are extremely rare, and that our best chance of maximizing profits from playing in an online casino should be to play all of the available games a little at a time. I mean, it makes sense, right? A win at blackjack or roulette won’t get you as much, but the odds are much better than in slots, so after a losing streak at the slots it’s a good idea to switch up games in order to make up the losses and keep trying for that big win. Interestingly enough, though, most people disagree with that statement.
According to statistics, slots are still overwhelmingly the most popular casino game on the market, by a gigantic margin. As in, three out of five casino players play slots, while only one out of ten plays roulette. Of course, you don’t need statistics and percentages to see that this is true – every single online casino has a gigantic abundance of slots right there on its front page, with blackjack, roulette, craps, lotto tickets and other, less popular games being seen like more of an afterthought. The big money comes from slots, which is why casinos are consistently pushing for new games in that genre, especially ones bearing famous licenses. It has reached the point where online casinos could completely eliminate roulette, poker, craps, baccarat and lotto tickets from their rosters, and they would <i>still</i> retain 80% of their revenue, no questions asked. And that’s truly ridiculous.
If you ask me, a bigger push needs to be made to promote other games, such as blackjack and especially roulette – which is on its way out. Playing roulette is good for the players, as it offers better odds than slots, and it’s also god for the casinos, as it provides an additional source of revenue (a player intending to bet £100 in small sections may get bored after only betting £50 on slots, and having another game of interest promoted to them, such as roulette, could encourage them to bet more on it). So, how do you do it? It’s pretty simple, really – if you’re a player, all you need to do is play roulette every once in a while. I personally recommend French roulette. Blackjack and craps are also good options, and if you’re a die-hard slots fan and your online casino provides that service, you might get a huge kick out of lotto tickets. And if you’re a casino, some ads for roulette and a deposit bonus for that game just might do the trick.